November Favorites: 7 Thanksgiving Recipes from Best Food Blogs

Savvy foodie magazine Saveur recognizes the best food blogs each year, so our editorial team decided to comb through their award-winning blogsites and pick recipes they'd love to have a close encounter with at Thanksgiving dinner. Click on each image to access the blog post and recipe.

Best Cooking Blog Winner Lottie + Doof: Pumpkin Cheesecake Squares

Best Cooking Blog Finalist Seven Spoons: Cranberry Chutney

Best Group Blog Winner Honest Cooking: Chorizo and Plantain Cornbread Stuffing

Best Celebrity Food Blog Finalist The Pioneer Woman: Roasted Thanksgiving Turkey

Best Cooking Blog Finalist Cookie and Kate: Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Cranberries and Barley

Best Food Blog Finalist The Year in Food: Twice-Baked Sweet Potatoes

And finally, from Best Humorous Food Blog Winner Bon Appetempt: Deep Dish Pumpkin Meringue Pie.