Tricks & Treats for Halloween Decorating


It's an interesting condundrum. You want to have a stylish home, but you'd like to give a decor nod to Halloween. It's one of the most atmospheric holidays on the calendar, but you can go overboard and turn your home into a kitsch palace. In our survey of the Internet, we found a variety of innovative ways for you to decorate in a tasteful way for Halloween. Here are some of our favorite ideas.



1. Black and White Plates


There's a great website called All Hallows Design that specializes in Halloween decor, DIY projects, and other decorating features. Search their site for great tips and ideas. We liked their suggestions on using black and white plates to add a "gothic" touch to a room.


2. Apothecary Jars


The Vintage Mint blogsite has some great Halloween decorating ideas (click here to see their post on a beautiful outdoor party decorating scheme). We liked the simplicity of the black-and-white scheme in the photo above, along with the apothecary jars, which added a kind of cool, mad scientist glistening effect to the tabletop.



3. Ghost Mirror


Country Living magazine has some nifty Halloween decorating ideas, including lots of crafts and DIY projects. We loved their ghostly phantom mirror effect which you can make by tracing a ghost pattern - or any other spooky figure - on the back of a length of Remlor frosted window film (click here for purchase information). Use an X-Acto knife to cut out the film, apply it to the surface of the mirror, and smooth it out to eliminate bubbles.



4. Pumpkin-Filled Fireplace


We like not having to carve pumpkins. Good Housekeeping has some good no-carve decorating ideas, including this look that has natural and painted pumpkins spilling out of the fireplace and into the room.

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