Be GREEN This Holiday


Give the environment the greatest gift of all by incorporating GREEN components into all aspects of seasonal traditions. The team at Canadian Tire has put together the following tips for folks wanting to make eco-friendly decisions throughout the holidays.

Save Energy with Innovative Lighting and Décor

Light emitting diode (LED) lights and eco-friendly products help to maintain the traditional holiday look, yet offer many other benefits:

  • Energy efficiency - LED lights use 80 to 95% less energy than conventional lighting, saving money on energy bills.
  • Safety – LED lights are made of non-flammable plastic epoxy that won't break and run cool to the touch, making them a safe alternative for families with young children.
  • Convenience – LED lights last up to seven times longer than traditional holiday lights. They also require no replacement bulbs.
  • Style – LED lights have a unique shape and shimmer that provide a beautiful, bright look.
  • Timing - Timers allow you to turn lights on and off automatically at desired times, helping you to save money and prevent unnecessary energy consumption.
  • Alternative power - Solar technology can charge lights even on cloudy, winter days. Items like solar lawn stakes add a touch of cheer to your yard and can be placed anywhere outside without the hassle of extension cords.

Go Artificial

Artificial trees are a great way to save money long-term, while preventing the unnecessary cutting down of trees. Artificial trees can incorporate a variety of features, shapes and sizes, allowing you to tailor the tree to your home.

A high-quality, self-shaping tree can easily be mistaken for the real thing, yet can be used year after year.

Gifts that Keep on Giving

  • Wrap presents in reusable canvas bags that help to limit excess garbage and packaging.
  • Look for wrap made of recycled paper.
  • Use attractive serving trays and reusable tins for holiday baked goods.
  • Get kids involved by having them create their own ornaments out of recyclable items around the house.


This article was made possible with the help of casaGURU. casaGURU is an everyday, everywhere, anytime homeowner website built on the premise that every home deserves a house expert.



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