Hen Cooked in Red Wine Sauce

Design2Share was invited into the Brooklyn pillow workroom of Sylvie Guieysse, and she served us a lovely lunch before we did a video shoot. Here's the recipe we got from her for her delicious main course, a favorite French dish.



1 organic guinea hen
1 large onion, finely chopped
10 white  mushrooms (Champignons de Paris), peeled and cut in 4
bouquet garni ( 2 Laurel leaves, thyme and rosemary tied with butcher’s twine )
olive oil
¼ lb smoked bacon, finely chopped
red table wine (Languedoc or California – fruity wines are best)
salt and pepper


Sauté the onion in olive oil until lightly browned. Add the bacon and cook for another 3 minutes.

Then add the hen and roast it on each side. After 5 minutes, add a glass of red wine and bouquet garni.

Add the mushrooms and another glass of wine. Salt and pepper to taste.

Keep cooking at medium heat for an hour and a half (depending on the hen’s size, up to 2 hours).
Turn the hen to other side every 10 minutes, pour the sauce over the hen regularly, and add a little bit of water each time. Readjust seasoning if needed with salt and pepper.

This dish is perfect served with pappardelle pasta. Enjoy!

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