Feng Shui Homework: Consider the Color Blue for Your Decor

Franca Giuliani - This September started with the reminiscence of a blue moon (which occurred on August 31). For those of you who may not know, a blue moon is the second full moon occurrence in a given month. Some also say it is the fourth moon to appear in a season. Now the moon is not actually blue, so why do they call it that? There are a few different stories. The oldest one I found was because of a way to describe something so absurd that it would not happen, as in “That will happen when the moon turns blue.” And of course we eventually got the phrase, “once in a blue moon.”

No matter its origins, a blue moon is considered having powerful and magical energies. In honoring this moon, I thought it might be appropriate to talk about what the color BLUE actually means, and how we can use it in our space and lives for better harmony.

Based on a feng shui perspective, BLUE is associated with the North East/Knowledge & Self-Cultivation and the East/Family & Health sectors of the bagua. Really DARK BLUES (almost black) relate to the North /Journey & Career. SKY BLUE is associated with the South /Illumination.

Yes, BLUE is associated with sadness and melancholy. “I feel so blue,” or “I have the blues.” But in feng shui, BLUE illustrates calmness, peace, tranquility, and introspection. Therefore, it's used quite often in bedrooms (a certain shade of BLUE-GREEN can also work) to help with sleep. It can be used where people convene, such as offices, to help avoid conflict. Keep in mind, though, that everyone relates to color differently; therefore, someone with “low” energy may feel lethargic and sad if there is too much BLUE in their space.

BLUE also represents trust and loyalty. It's a very sincere color. From a color psychology perspective, blue is reliable and responsible. Since BLUE gives off a sense of order, it's also a great color for storage areas and work and work spaces. In general, BLUE is idealistic, helps with self-expression, and our ability to communicate better. It inspires higher ideals.

Here are some more specific meanings of the variations of BLUE. Think about these as you make decorating decisions - and remember the areas of the bagua where blue can have the most impact.

Pale Blue: inspires creativity and the freedom to break free.

Sky Blue: inspires selfless love and fidelity; non-threatening; helps overcome obstacles; universal healer.

Azure Blue: inspires determination, ambition to achieve, strive for goals.

Dark Blue: implies knowledge, power, and integrity.


So, your homework for this month is to walk around your space and see where BLUE may serve you well. Do you need to paint a wall BLUE in the family room? Does your office need BLUE? Or do you just need some BLUE flowers on the table? Perhaps next time the whole family comes over for dinner, you may want to consider using BLUE dishes. That may help tone down family discussions - especially when my Italian family comes over!

Until next month,

Be well,



Franca Giuliani is an environmental advisor, integrated feng shui consultant, and energy clearer whose inquisitive nature has led her down the path of the metaphysical world and related topics. Now Franca uses her expansive knowledge and experience to help individuals get their bearings and think differently about themselves and their space, enabling them to better plan for the future. 

She collectively uses a number of modalities to help people become aware of their environment, acknowledge it, and then help them begin to reach a better balance. Becoming aware of one’s environment and understanding why things are happening is the foundation to a possible transformation of life.

Franca has studied feng shui, energy clearing, and astrology for over nine years and continues to study under world-renowned instructors. A graduate of the Feng Shui Alliance School formerly in Edgewater, NJ, she holds a BFA from the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York and a certificate from NYU. Additionally, Franca studied in Antwerp, Belgium and graduated from a Feng Shui Society of the United Kingdom accredited program.

Franca practices and teaches courses on relevant topics. She's consulted and lectured within the New York metro area, as well as in Italy. Italy has been Franca’s second home since childhood. She considers herself an Italian aficionado and organizes tours throughout Italy where she can share her knowledge and passion for this amazing country.