Play the Color Sense Game

Room featuring the PPG color palette "Queen Bees, Nuts & Berries"

Room featuring the PPG color palette "Queen Bees, Nuts & Berries"

Jay Johnson - PPG Architectural Coatings, the manufacturers of Pittsburgh Paints and Porter Paints, has an entertaining online survey that will help determine the first and second best paint color collections that fit in with your personality. When I took it, the survey window had a tendency to slightly cut off the bottom of the images and words that I was asked to respond to, but it was a fun experience otherwise. Tip: When you select an image, it will enlarge and there will be a check mark in a circle on the top left of the image and an X in a circle on the top right; click the check mark on the left to confirm your choice or the X to pick something else. Then click on the box to go on to the next question.

Room featuring the PPG color palette "Spa Therapy"

Room featuring the PPG color palette "Spa Therapy"

And here are the two color schemes/collections that best fit my color sensibilities, according to the survey. (The two collections are below, and above are representative color palettes from each one.)

PPG's Almonds & Honey Harmony Color Collection

PPG's Almonds & Honey Harmony Color Collection

Al Fresco Harmony Color Collection

Al Fresco Harmony Color Collection

Looks like I'm a warm, muted, almost neutral kind of color lover, favoring yellows, browns, and golds (very true) with a backup plan of cooler and muted blues and greens. Click here to take The Color Sense Game to discover your true color personality ... and be sure to share the results with your designer!