Posts in interior designer
Annette Tatum

Annette Tatum is one smart cookie. Her interior decor lines businesses, House and Little House, are in over 700 boutiques around the U.S., and she's designed for Marcia Cross, Minnie Driver, Owen Wilson, and others. We just received a copy of her first book, The Well-Dressed Home: Fashionable Design Inspired by Your Personal Style (Clarkson Potter, 2009), and in a word, it's brilliant.

Tatum has gone right to the heart of home decorating and design - it's all about personal taste and style. In her book, she's created fashion categories that homeowners can use to find a style that they feel comfortable living with in their homes.

Your clothing and accessories mirror your unique personality and style, and so should the decor of your home. By using the same style choiced used to fashion your wardrobe, you will uncomver your own distinctive interior design decor. Your home will become like your wardrobe, a unique, one-of-a-kind expression of you.

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